We believe unlawful discrimination is never acceptable. 

Discrimination occurs when an individual or a group of people are treated less favourably than others based on a protected characteristic such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership (in employment), pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex or gender, sexual orientation.  

Unlawful discrimination is contrary to the Equality Act 2010 and the University's Dignity at Cranfield Policy.

  • To a friend or colleague. Talking things through with someone you trust can sometimes help. 
  • University teams. Our Student Wellbeing and Disability Support and People and Culture teams can talk through the University's procedures, how to make a complaint and what support is available, in confidence.
  • Dignity at Cranfield Advisor - an advisor can talk through the University's procedures, how to make a complaint and what support is available, in confidence.  Advisors can talk to someone who is experiencing something, or someone who is supporting that person. 
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Team - members of staff can talk to the EDI Team for further advice on discrimination.   
  • Report and Support. Students and staff can report an incident using the University’s Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can provide your contact details and an advisor will be in touch to talk through the options and support available to you, in confidence.
  • University procedure. If you choose to make a formal complaint to the University against a student or a member of staff there are procedures which set out the steps you'll need to follow.
Get support 
  • Find out what support is available on the External contacts page.
  • Take care of yourself. It’s important that you take care of yourself. If you’ve heard something distressing or if something is troubling you, the University's Student Wellbeing and Disability Support and People and Culture teams offer confidential help to students and staff.
  • Find out more on the support available for your mental health and wellbeing:

There are two ways you can tell us what happened