What is Report and Support?

Report and Support is an online tool developed by Culture Shift where Cranfield staff and students can report confidentially and disclose behaviour that they’ve witnessed or personally experienced that is inappropriate, either at the University or on University business/activity elsewhere. This can be done anonymously or by providing contact details so that a member of the relevant team can get in touch to discuss. 

Report and Support is also home to information about internal and external support and policies and procedures.

Who can make a report?

Cranfield University students and staff can make a report through Report and Support.  

In addition, visitors and third party contractors can report complaints through this tool and the report and support team will ensure the report is responded to by the most appropriate team within the University.

What happens when someone makes an anonymous report?

The report will be viewed by trained colleagues in Student Wellbeing and Disability Support team/People and Culture team.

They will first review the report to identify any risks that relate to duty of care. If no immediate risk is identified, no further direct action will be taken. If any identifiable information is provided, a member of the team will redact the identifiable information.

The information kept will be for trend analysis and inform proactive prevention. 

What is the difference between reporting anonymously or providing your contact details? 

Cranfield University does not know who has made an anonymous report, and therefore cannot reach out and provide support. Whereas if someone wants to receive support or consider informal or formal options to address a concern, they would make a named report and speak to a member of the relevant team.

What happens when someone wants to contact an advisor?

A trained advisor is assigned to each reportable incident (those that are not anonymous). Each of the advisors are provided with a login and can only access cases that are assigned to them or their team.

The advisor receives an email notification that a case has been assigned to them – no identifiable information is provided within this email alert. The advisor then logs into Report + Support to access information provided using their personal login details. The advisor then makes contact with the person who has made the report and they arrange a meeting to discuss the report.

Please note that the "contact an advisor" option does not automatically initiate a formal complaints process but allows the advisor to provide you with appropriate support and information on your options. 

What action can you take from anonymous reports?

Information provided within anonymous reports will be used as statistical data to understand what is happening with our community, identify trends and to inform proactive prevention work. 

How will Cranfield University manage malicious complaints?

If a report is found to be malicious or vexatious, such reports will be addressed under existing student and staff procedures.

What do you do with the information gathered from anonymous reports?

Information provided within anonymous reports will be used as statistical data to understand what is happening with our community, identify trends and to inform proactive prevention work. 

What do you do with the data gathered from reports where contact details have been provided?

The data collected from Report and Support is used to produce anonymised annual reports. These reports would include the number of cases, most reported types of incidents and location. 

How secure is the data and information sent through the system?

Data held on Report and Support is GDPR compliant and further information about how data is collected and stored is outlined in the privacy notice. The system has been security tested by both the developer, Culture Shift, and by Cranfield University. If you have questions related to data protection please email gdpr@cranfield.ac.uk

How long is data sorted on the system?

We will only retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil purposes we collected it for. We will keep records of reports one year from case closure on the Report and Support system as outlined in the privacy notice. All personal data will be kept according to the Records Retention Schedule. If you have questions related to data protection please email: gdpr@cranfield.ac.uk

Who are the administrators on the system?

Administrators include Head of Student Support and Wellbeing and the Deputy Director of People and Culture.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened